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How To Prepare for 3D/4D Ultrasound

A 3D ultrasound is a type of ultrasound that allows you to see 3D images of your baby. It can be exciting to get a 3D ultrasound, as you'll be able to really see your baby up close before he or she is born. If you want to increase your chance of getting high quality ultrasound photos, there are some small steps you can take.

Schedule the ultrasound for the right time in pregnancy. You want to make sure you get your ultrasound in during a time in pregnancy where good pictures are more likely. It's recommended that you wait until after 26 weeks, as this is when fat begins to form in a baby's face. Ideally you should get the ultrasound done before 32 weeks. After 32 weeks, your baby will move deeper into your pelvis and this can make it harder to find the baby's face. We have had great results up until 35 weeks but its dependant on babies position.

  • Even with proper planning, your baby may be turned away from the camera at the time of the ultrasound. Even if you do not get an image of your baby's face, you'll still have some 3D images of your child prior to birth.

Plan around your baby's sleep schedule, if possible. If your baby is awake, you may end up getting better 3D ultrasounds. It can be hard to gauge when a baby is sleeping, but you may notice your baby tends to move more during certain hours of the day. If your baby is usually kicking around 3 in the afternoon, for example, try to schedule an ultrasound around then.

Drink lots of water one to two weeks before your appointment. Many doctors who complete 3D ultrasounds report that increased fluid intake can help with 3D ultrasound images. This can help clear up the amniotic fluid surrounding the baby, resulting in clearer photographs.

  • Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day

  • As your appointment gets closer, make an effort to drink more water than normal. Carry a water bottle with you to work or around the house. Have a glass of water nearby at all times.

  • If you're not a big water drinker, consider trying flavored water or adding slices of fruit or veggies to a glass of water to make it tastier.

Snack on natural sugars right before your appointment. You want to make sure your baby is awake for the ultrasound, if at all possible. It has been shown that natural sugars may wake a baby up, causing the baby to move around more during the scan. Before having your ultrasound, try eating a couple servings of fruit.

  • Bananas, dates, cherries, figs, and pomegranates tend to have high sugar content. Try eating some of these fruits just before your ultrasound.

  • Fruits like berries, watermelon, and cantaloupe have a somewhat low sugar content. While they won't hurt to eat before an ultrasound, they may not have as big an impact on the results.

Above are just suggestions and are not compulsory to be completed prior to an ultrasound, they are just helpful hints!

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